Sunday, October 30, 2011

Organic Food Home Delivery and Recipe Testing

As I walked to the car from the last farmers market of the season this past Saturday I was a bit sad. Not only is it a weekend tradition for the 5 months that it is open but it also meant the end of truly fresh local veggies and culinary exploration in my very own backyard. We did see some thing that we found fascinating like this Massachusetts grown ginger. I don't know about you but ginger is one of those things I have never seen outside of it root form normally available in the local grocery store usually imported from a much warmer place, never grown locally.
Isn't it gorgeous!!! It was the inspiration for the cranberry sauce that I created this evening whom I will share with you later this week. There is also a local ice cream company called Batch that makes a ginger ice cream that is one of my last meal request kind of food loves. Truly, truly special. If you are from Boston check them out. It is absolutely worth it!
I had toyed with the idea of signing up for a local winter CSA for awhile but truth be told I don't like putting that large of a payment upfront for something that I have not seen and could be not very pleased. Then I heard about a delivery service in the city that drops off organic produce at your door. You get to choose the size and type of box and if you want weekly or bi-weekly deliveries. I chose the local box which is half fruit and half veggies and is all source in New England. I am curious what that will consist of during the winter months so we shall see. I plan on giving it a shot for a few weeks to see if it fits into our schedule and eating preferences. One criticism I found online was that only weak minded people need someone to tell them what to eat each week. I think just the opposite. You have to be a good cook to be able to work with whatever someone gives you. I consider it a culinary and dietary adventure. Part of the plan is to share with you how this works for us as well as some photos of the contents of the box. Wish me luck!
Tonight I created a ginger cranberry sauce made with local cranberries. Total cook time 10 minutes. I plan to photograph it tomorrow with my new camera I am thrilled about. The second recipe is a pumpkin hummus that I lightened calorically by using less tahini and olive oil.
Hopefully that will get photographed tomorrow as well but with the ever shorter days I am finding less and less moments of natural light available to me. Looks like a light box may be in my future!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the recipes! I'm not a cranberry person but it sounds good! LOL The hummus sounds great!
